Sunday, 1 January 2012


Spent with my closest friends ^-^
One of many memories to be kept forever

 one with Ralph too! ^-^
My amazing camera skill... :p

2012 should be good. 
I will make sure of that. 
with a little help from my loved ones ofc... ^-^

I never really make new year's resolutions because I know that I will not keep to them...
As I decided to make 2012 different, I have thought and came up with ten new year's resolutions.
At least this way, I would try to make the difference... :p

1. Join the Gym
2. Read more books
3. Appreciate everything that I have
4. Be nicer to people
5. Be a better friend
6. Stop moaning
7. Be optimistic
 8. Reduce amount of time spent on my phone and my laptop
9. Go to more concerts
10. Become a stronger person
^-^ I will cross off the things that I think I have achieved throughout 2012.

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